The Real Great RESET

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This book is not just a reaction to the “new world order” announced at the DAVOS World Economic Forum and entitled “The Great Reset”. This book is an alarm signal, a call to awakening, and a disruptive approach. It is structured on 500 points that converge to its opening and closing conclusion: “Utopian is not the one who believes that the world can change for the better, but the one who believes that the world can go on as it is right now!” The 500 steps will take the reader on a journey to the top of the Pyramid of Power, as in a virtual tour, offering a completely different perspective on how the world is actually led and by whom. The top of the pyramid is not the actual top. It is only the middle. The light of contemporary “reason” is not light. It is only darkness sold as “light”. What seems to be is not, and what really is they make us think is not. Everything is reversed, and billions of people are skillfully placed in an artificial social bubble that prevents them from seeing the reality of their own being and the reality of their own world. The deep humans, who live and act in the center of their beings, are diverted, without noticing it, to live and act at their extreme periphery. Then, instead of being presented with the reality that humanity’s problems arise precisely because people are pushed to live on the periphery of their own being, they are kept busy with all sorts of “projects”, “programs,” “elections”, and “solutions” which are also conceived on the periphery, without any connection to the deep human being and the deep human society.

They expropriated our meanings. They deported our purpose. They took us out of ourselves, and until we find our way back, NO ONE and NOTHING will really be able to heal us! The clear outlines of our resettlement in our own destiny will not be seen until we stop advancing on the blind alleys. With our eyes wide open, let us open ourselves again to the deep human in us and in all others. Because the great CRISIS we are facing, everywhere on the planet, is above all an IDENTITY crisis. The world of deep humans will remain a world of superficial sub-humans until the moment when we have poured ourselves into our own cup.

Deep humanity is buried under a mountain of imposture and deceit. Dozens of two-bit actors play two-bit roles after two-bit scripts. Not a single particle of the deep human being penetrates beyond the epidermis of public speeches. Nothing truly alive pierces the thick layer of clichés. Those who wish to lead millions of people are obviously beings who have not led their own spirit, their own consciousness for at least a few minutes.

How can we be confident that we will end up picking living fruits, as long as plastic seeds are placed in the chernozem of our souls!?

May we rise above the ocean of superficiality into which we have been thrown! May we free ourselves from the chains of those who want to anesthetize us, to deprive us of our living spirit, to separate us from ourselves! It's the ONLY chance! Everything else is just dust in the wind. As long as the critical mass of awakened people is not reached, NOTHING will change for the better on the wonderful planet that hosts our species.

We have to choose: OUR Real Great RESET or THEIR Fake Great RESET. It all depends on us!

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The Real Great RESET

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